Lost and found

Customers who have accidentally left or lost their personal belongings in our bus, should text us on our WhatsApp number.

In order to assist you, as much as we can, it is extremely important that you react at once, as soon as possible. Finding of your belongings will be much easier in case you could provide us the precise time and location within the bus where you personal belongings were lost.

The information on such lost and found items can be checked via WhatsApp number +385 91 616 0990 or e-mail address antonio.tours@zd.t-com.hr on a daily basis.

Izgubljeno i nađeno

Korisnici koji su slučajno ostavili ili izgubili svoje osobne stvari u našem autobusu, trebaju nam poslati poruku na naš WhatsApp broj.

Kako bismo Vam pomogli, koliko možemo, izuzetno je važno da reagirate odmah, što je prije moguće. Pronalaženje vaših stvari bit će puno lakše ako nam dostavite točno vrijeme i mjesto u autobusu gdje su izgubljene vaše osobne stvari.

Podatke o takvim izgubljenim i pronađenim predmetima moguće je provjeriti putem WhatsApp broja +385 91 616 0990 ili e-mail adrese antonio.tours@zd.t-com.hr na dnevnoj bazi.